I'm a big believer in following the rhythms of nature. Whether that be following the Wheel of the Year as the Earth moves around the sun, or with the rhythms of the Moon around the Earth.
As the sun sets on December 30th the last New Moon of 2024 rises. This final New Moon is another beautifully gifted opportunity to reflect on your past achievements and consider your new beginnings.
At this time of the year, the darkness wraps itself around us like a protective cloak, it is our friend. It invites us in to rest and nestle down like the hedgehogs.
Being quiet in the darkness can give us time for reflection. time to look at our achievements over 2024. What experiences served us well? What can we be proud of? What lessons did we learn and can carry into 2025? What can we lovingly release?
We can also look at how we feel about ourselves now, and about how we would like to move forwards.
But don't forget, we are still in the depths of winter. There's no immediate hurry to see the results. Just like in nature, any seeds that are planted at this time of year, embrace the cold, the quiet and the dark. Settling into their rhythm, so that when the time is right, they push down strong roots that grow deeply into the soil giving them strong foundations.
So I invite you to be like the avid gardener who gets out their seed catalogue around about now. Puts on a brew and sorts through, organises and chooses next seasons crops, planning and dreaming about the bounty they will harvest later in the year.
Grab your journal or pen and paper and think about what seeds you would like to plant for the year head. What seeds of growth do you want to embrace moving forward?
How can I step into being the best version of myself???
Do you want to spend more time improving your health and vitality?
Maybe it's relationships, family, friends.
Maybe you've got relationships that no longer serve or support you.
Perhaps you want to look at your work or vocation,
What is your life's purpose?
Maybe you want to redirect where you spend your time and money.
How much freedom do you want to have in your life?
How much fun do you want to have in your life?